

Steam or gas pasteurizer allows the heat treatment of the product to reduce bacterial level and shelf life of the product. 

Gas pasteurizer has an energy saving of 60% than traditional pasteurizer.

The bearing structure and the belt is in stainless steel, driven by lateral chains.

The insulating cover panel is made in a single piece, in stainless steel, in convex form, equipped with high-efficiency internal insulation, sealed with continuous weld between the panels. Removable PATENTED system to keep condensation at the exit of the pasteurization chamber and water seal for steam, made with a closure system between the upper cover and the underlying tank.

It’s possible to have a drying area with panels in stainless steel with possibility of manual opening for cleaning, nr. 2 helicoidal fans with speed variation for air quantity. Steam or electric battery with finned tubes (max. temperature 80°C).

Technical data

Technical and structural characteristics

Main construction and functional characteristics Tunnel
Type of treatment Injected steam
Operating methods Continuous


Products processed Gnocchi, Lasagna, Nested and coiled pasta , Short-cut pasta , Long-cut pasta , Filled pasta


Destination Medium-scale industry
Price bracket Not declared

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